okay yesterday me and my 2 bfs agreed to where othing but white and pink pastel colors for school today. well i show up wearing white capris and a white jacket with my pastel shirt. i go to our usual table. and what do i see my friends val and angel wearing black anb blue/grey. they sit there laughing at me saying ' look who just got punked!!' >:0!!!!
Awwww, aren't friends great baby girl? LOL
Well I would say you did good---don't your friends know black is out, how totally boring. Just dress for yourself and the fun of it!
How wonderful you did just as you promised to do, now who was as good as there word and who can you be a litle weary of in the furture?
Romans 12:19-21 tells us to return what was meant as evil with good...
Read it!!!
And Jan is right I just read that White is the new Black!!
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