ok who here loves music? for me its my life basicly! i love to listen to music and try to write songs.but they just turn into non-fiction stories. annyway, its been forever since i last posted. im saving my money for a gutair, so i can learn to play. shelby wont let me use hers. shes neglecting the poor thing. shes suppose to practice 30 minits everyday. she only preacticed 5 min. in the past 2-3 months. grrrrr! anyways the blonde rocker is back!
okay yesterday me and my 2 bfs agreed to where othing but white and pink pastel colors for school today. well i show up wearing white capris and a white jacket with my pastel shirt. i go to our usual table. and what do i see my friends val and angel wearing black anb blue/grey. they sit there laughing at me saying ' look who just got punked!!' >:0!!!!
dad and pooh were cheerleading today.dad was trying to do a k and hurt himself.bubba is starting tackle football.hes a linebacker i think.lord help us all.
dude im like so bored right now................................ dont hit me mommy i didnt mean to. ahhh. i told u to stop talking like that!!!!smack.ouch.:"<. just kiddin yall.!<;0) ???????????